
Wrongfully losing a job can be devastating. Especially, in today’s current environment with inflation and so many uncertainties. That’s why you need a California employment lawyer with the experience, skills and compassion necessary to fully advocate on your behalf. Whether you were wrongfully terminated or suffered some other adverse employment action here are some important things to consider when choosing the right employment attorney in California.

Common Pitfalls

Before we discuss what to look for in a California Employment attorney, here are some common pitfalls to avoid:


  1. Hiring a lawyer with bad communication

Losing a job or suffering an adverse employment action can have a devastating and immediate impact. However, that doesn’t mean you should hire the first attorney you talk to. You should avoid hiring an attorney that does not communicate well with their client and struggles to meet deadlines. If an attorney misses any deadlines in relation to your case that is a major red flag. This can be seen early on. For instance, if your first appointment is already getting rescheduled it may be a sign of what you will encounter throughout your representation with this attorney. 


Losing a job is a stressful situation but, as far as your claim goes, you have time. Making sure you hire an attorney that is timely and available is more important than hiring the first attorney you meet.


2.     No Personal Connection with the Attorney

In all relationships, a personal connection is paramount. This includes the relationship between you and your attorney. Your attorney is someone that is going to be a significant part of your daily life until your case is resolved. Ensuring that it is a relationship that includes a mutual understanding and connection will go a long way in effectively resolving your case. 


3.     Attorney Promises a Successful Outcome/Verdict

Be cautious of an attorney that guarantees a certain outcome, especially just after your first conversation. Cases can be unpredictable, especially if they go to trial. You want a lawyer that can be honest with you and inform you of the strengths and weaknesses of your case. This does not mean a lawyer cannot give you their impression of the case. However, if they start using words like “guaranteed” or overpromising, they are likely just embellishing to get you to hire them.


4.     Attorney Refuses to Provide References

If an attorney refuses to provide references of former clients, this may be a sign that the attorney has not had successful experiences in the past. At a minimum, it shows that the attorney did not have good relationships with these clients. Nothing speaks greater volume then a positive, or negative, client experience. Being able to talk to clients about how their case was handled, communication with the law firm and their case’s ultimate success is vital to making such a significant decision. Be cautious in moving forward with an attorney that cannot provide you with references of past clients they have represented.


5.     Law Firm has unhappy Staff Members

When you walk into the attorney’s office for the first time, be observant. What is the demeanor of the staff? How do they treat you as a potential client, and more importantly, how does the attorney you are meeting treat his staff? If you encounter a disgruntled staff and unpleasant atmosphere within the firm, this is likely an indication of how you will be treated as a client. You are already in the middle of a very difficult situation. The last thing you want is to walk into a callous and unwelcoming environment where the morale of everyone around is low.


  1. Hiring a lawyer solely based on their marketing

Avoid being easily swayed by ads that overpromise or well-designed websites. That does not mean websites and ads are a bad thing. In fact, a website with useful content on employment matters can be a strong indicator that the attorneys at that firm are experts in that area of law and are taking the time to use this experience to help educate people. Just avoid letting the ad or website alone be the deciding factor. 


  1. Not Asking Any Questions

You should not feel like you are inconveniencing an attorney by asking them some reasonable questions. Sometimes potential clients are afraid to ask important questions that could be necessary for making a determination on whether or not to hire them. Ask about their experience, not just with employment law but the specific issue you would like them to handle. Ask them what options you have and their opinion on the chances your claim will be successful. Ask them specific questions about how they operate as well. For instance, ask them how their fees work, how long the claim will likely take to resolve and whether the attorney you are speaking with will handle the case or if it will be another attorney in the firm. These are all valid and important questions you want to ask before hiring a California employment law attorney. 


What should I look for?

Now that we have addressed some common pitfalls, here are some things you should look for in a California Employment law attorney:

  1. Experience. 

You want an attorney that has a depth of experience handling employment law issues. That means, your best chance at a successful outcome is hiring an attorney that specializes in employment law issues. Even better if you can find an attorney whose entire law firm is devoted to this specialized area of law. California has specific laws that deal with employment issues such as the Fair Employment and Housing Act. Having an attorney, and law firm, that is well versed in these laws and procedures is crucial to successfully handling your claim.


  1. Resources.

In addition to an experienced lawyer, you want an attorney that has the necessary resources to fight your claim against an employer. Your employer will likely have significant resources and a team of lawyers ready to fight your claim. You need an attorney and law firm that can match their resources. This means, you not only want an attorney with employment law experience, but one that has the resources to take your case all the way to trial if that is what’s required. 


  1. Trust and Compassion.

Ultimately, you need a lawyer you can trust. Someone that, after speaking with them, you believe has your best interests at heart. You want an attorney whose focus is on securing the best possible outcome for your case and being able to honestly advise you on the best course of action. This is yet another reason why you need to take your time when deciding on a California employment law attorney. The last thing you want to do is hire an attorney whose sole goal is to bill as many hours as possible regardless of the result. All the experience and resources in the world won’t matter if you do not have an attorney you can trust to take your hand and guide you through this difficult situation. 



Picking the right California employment attorney is an important decision. Take your time to evaluate your options and make sure you have an attorney you can trust with the experience, resources and ability to get you the results you deserve.