darby renk

Darby Renk

Office Administrator


Darby is the Office Administrator at JLG Lawyers. She functions as the primary liaison between JLG and clients on all administrative matters. Darby oversees JLG’s Client Onboarding process to ensure that every client’s case is off to a strong start, and clients are comfortable and know what to expect. Darby has a variety of duties including client communications, conducting Client Orientations, and being the primary scheduler for clients and attorneys! 

Darby grew up on the East Coast and earned her BA degree in Psychology, with a minor in English, from the University of Connecticut. Darby has made her career in the administrative role and after working many years in the entertainment industry, took on her first role in the legal field with JLG Lawyers in 2019. She is a busy mother to her two children, Charlie and Johnny, and their two cats, Mr. Cuddles and Bongo. Darby has a penchant for mischief, loves to be creative, and enjoys working with her hands. Some of her hobbies include crafting, crocheting, DIY projects, and writing. Darby’s true passion is human connection and her daily aspiration is to leave an indelible mark on the heart of another.

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